Tumor lysis sindrome: generalities.
Revista Ciencia y Salud / eISSN: 2215-4949 / https://revistacienciaysalud.ac.cr/ojs

Vol. 5 No. 5 (2021)Artículos

Vol. 5 No. 5 (2021)

Tumor lysis sindrome: generalities.


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tumor lysis
fluid and electrolyte disorders

How to Cite

Cordero Araya, E. A., Choque Núñez, Y., & Hernández Pereira, A. (2021). Tumor lysis sindrome: generalities. Revista Ciencia Y Salud, 5(5), Pág. 103–112. https://doi.org/10.34192/cienciaysalud.v5i5.353


The tumor lysis is considered the most common oncohematologic urgency in children and adults. It is mainly found in fast cell replacement hematologic malignancy although it can be found in huge solid tumors which have high sensibility to chemotherapy, metastasis and high levels of uric acid and lactic dehydrogenase. However, this urgency can show up in all types of tumors after the cytotoxic therapy, radiation or spontaneous surgery. The main pathophysiological mechanism is funded in the lysis and tumor cells and the subsequent massive liberation of intracellular components to the bloodstream. Metabolic disorders such as electrolyte disturbance (hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, secondary hypocalcaemia) hyperuricemia due to the nucleic acid metabolism and severe kidney injury; those disorders produce clinic manifestations in the muscle, the kidney, the heart and the main nervous system that can progress to multi-organic failure and death. The diagnosis of tumor lysis syndrome is based in clinic and laboratory criteria; besides, it is important to classify the risk in every patient. In regards to the treatment, it consists of treating the severe kidney damage and the electrolyte disturbance, which is the pathophysiology of the syndrome. This can be achieved with abundant hydration as well as keeping the diuresis, the inhibitors of the urate- oxidase and in some refractory cases with the dialysis therapy. The lysis tumor syndrome is potentially mortal if it is not treated and its main predictor of morbidity and mortality the severe kidney damage together with the diagnosis and it will depend on the severity of the case. 

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