Cushing's syndrome is the result of exposure to excessive amounts of glucocorticoids over a long period of time. Its clinical manifestations range from classic signs like full moon facies, cervical fat pads or purple striae; to nonspecific findings which can go unnoticed and lead to misdiagnosis. Among the most challenging Cushing syndrome cases are those of a clinical presentation based on psychiatric and nonspecific symptoms; however, it is essential to keep this syndrome in mind as a differential diagnosis in order to achieve early diagnosis and treatment.
This article presents the case of a 62 year old female who consults for a second opinion after being diagnosed with treatment resistant depression, in whom, through physical examination, the diagnosis is guided towards a primary endogenous Cushing's syndrome.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Genesis Soto-Chaves, Luis Carlos Ramirez Zamora, Javier Camacho Quesada , Jose Pablo Madrigal Calderón , Adriana Masís Marroquín