Diabetic ketoacidosis
Revista Ciencia y Salud / eISSN: 2215-4949 / https://revistacienciaysalud.ac.cr/ojs

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)Artículos

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)

Diabetic ketoacidosis: literature review



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Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetes mellitus

How to Cite

Villalobos Zúñiga, G., Solano Guillén, M. J., & Vargas Cruz, A. V. (2023). Diabetic ketoacidosis: literature review. Revista Ciencia Y Salud, 7(2), 21–28. https://doi.org/10.34192/cienciaysalud.v7i2.501


Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects millions of people today, presenting a range of complications, both chronic and acute. One of the most important complications due to the severity of the condition and the complexity of the treatment is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This condition can occur in known diabetic patients and in patients who debut with their disease through a DKA; frequently caused by a triggering factor. These factors cause an imbalance in the body's metabolic requirements, causing a hormonal shift that culminates in insulin deficiency and an increase in counterregulatory hormones. It is of paramount importance to recognize DKA, which will present as the following triad: a) hyperglycemia >300 mg/dl, b) metabolic acidosis with pH <7.3, HCO3 <15, and ketonemia with ketonuria. This condition, present predominantly in cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus, is characterized by both metabolic and electrolyte alterations which can lead to consequent multi-organ failure or even death. It is therefore of the utmost importance to initiate the most effective and efficient treatment possible, based on hydration, lowering blood glucose through the administration of insulin and correcting the rest of the metabolic alterations.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Gerardo Villalobos Zúñiga, María Jesús Solano Guillén, Ana Victoria Vargas Cruz


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