Evaluative instruments of addictive behavior in care of IAFA patients
Revista Ciencia y Salud / eISSN: 2215-4949 / https://revistacienciaysalud.ac.cr/ojs

Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023)Artículos

Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023)

Instrumentos evaluativos de la conducta adictiva en atención a pacientes del IAFA



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How to Cite

Sandí Esquivel, L., Castillo Abarca, H., Rodríguez Estrada, E., & Marín Murillo, S. (2023). Instrumentos evaluativos de la conducta adictiva en atención a pacientes del IAFA. Revista Ciencia Y Salud, 7(3), 159–167. https://doi.org/10.34192/cienciaysalud.v7i3.707


The consumption of psychoactive substances due to its ubiquity and its complications in the consumer, his family and in the family and social-work environment constitutes an important public health problem that affects everyone, consumers and non-consumers. The complexity and multiplicity of factors that determine drug use calls for a comprehensive approach that accommodates many disciplines to achieve greater precision in diagnosis and better intervention. For both professionals and non-professionals, it is essential to use assessment instruments for the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, addictive behavior, the most frequent emotional disturbances, such as depression and anxiety, as well as determining how affected the main areas of your life. The most widely known base instrument for this purpose is the Addiction Severity Index, which has been validated and updated for Costa Rica. To expand its psychometric capacity, the Fegestron tobacco dependence test, the evaluation test has been added. of alcohol consumption (AUDIT) and Zung's anxiety and depression assessment scales. For anyone working with people affected by drug use, these clinical tools are essential basic tools.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Sandí Esquivel, Hilda Castillo Abarca, Evelyn Rodríguez Estrada, Sebastián Marín Murillo


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